Absenteeism Management
Improve your social climate and reduce absence related costs
IT Solution
The UniPro software, a wholly Internet-based platform, offers you total visibility over the management of employee absences and claims.
Unipro also provides accurate real time indicators on absenteeism rates and related costs as well as automatic management tasks for return maintenance related to the training taken by your executives.
An abnormal rate of absenteeism in a company or department is, in 80% of cases, related to management or an unfavourable economic environment.
Unirisc, in partnership with ISMAT, an institute specialising in absenteeism management, can train your front line managements in absence management. This unique and non-coercive approach to absence management enables a lasting improvement in the social climate and provides cost reductions over the medium to long term.
A large proportion of personnel related risks are associated with the problem of absenteeism. Unirisc can deal with the problem at source using an original method totally geared to training your executives.
Linked to this training, the use of the Unipro Internet platform for managing absences and claims enables management tasks to be systematised and guarantees the availability of efficient indicators in real time.
Your adviser
Christophe Barman
+41 22 839 85 85 - [email protected]
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